Bad Credit Report Repair - Solving The Problem

Released on = December 2, 2006, 6:46 am

Press Release Author = Mark Henry

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = It is possible to fix your bad credit, with time, patience
and determination. The first step in repairing poor credit is fixing any problems
you may have with money.......

Press Release Body = It is possible to fix your bad credit, with time, patience and
determination. The first step in repairing poor credit is fixing any problems you
may have with money.

1) Get a credit reports on yourself and check out what is on them. To get yours free
go to You are allowed by U.S. law to get a free copy
from each of the three major credit companies once every 12 months.

2) Once you have your credit reports, check them for accuracy. If there are any
errors or things you disagree with, you are entiltled by the Fair Credit Reporting
Act law to dispute anything in the report that is not accurate. Write to the credit
reporting company and explain what the problems are. They will then investigate the
matter and let you know what happens. If they find the information is not accurate,
they will fix that on your credit report.

Unfortunately you can't remove anything negative that is accurate information about
you. Only time can do that. But adding more good information does help.

3) If your credit needs repair, start work on it now. Start paying off old unpaid
debts and loans, starting with the smallest ones.

4) Start paying more than the minimum payment on your current credit card payments.

5) Do not get into any new debt. This is essential. Make it a priority to get out of
debt. Cut up (or lock up) the credit cards, if they are a problem for you. Make it a
commitment to become debt free.

6) Live within your means. Make a budget and live by it.

7) Start saving money. If you have poor credit, it is much easier to buy a home or a
car with a cash down payment, than without one.

There are many sources of help available. Consumer Credit Counseling Service is one
of the best for help repairing credit and getting debt under control. Their website
is located at Consumer Credit Counseling Service
provides budget counseling, educational programs, debt management assistance and
housing counseling. There are also many local branches of this nonprofit
organization, so check for one near your location.

There are many "for profit" organizations that will help you with debt consolidation
loans, but beware! They often are very expensive. You can get free reliable help
that you can trust from a non-profit organization like Consumer Credit Counseling
Service instead of paying hundreds of dollars to one of them. Or, you can educate
yourself and do it for free.

Some other good places to go online for more credit and financial advice are listed
on my website at

Web Site = http://

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